Archangel Sonya - Conference Call with your Loved Ones

It’s tough when someone you love passes away. We all wish we could have one last conversation with a deceased loved one at least once in our lives. Sonya’s message today is offering you that exact thing - an opportunity to have a conference call with deceased loved ones.

You may not have been aware of this, but your loved ones can actually communicate with you from the other side. They are watching you every day of your life. And right now you have a better chance than usual to get a crystal clear connection with them.

Crystal Clear Conference Call

Sometimes there can be a bit of static between the world of the deceased and our own. But that is easily remedied when you take the right steps. While Sonya is here to help you get a clear connection with the other side today, she isn’t always around.

So here are five things you can do the next time you want to arrange a conference call with your deceased loved one:

Create your own Virtual Boardroom

It’s very important to have a space where you won’t be interrupted while you’re catching up with your deceased loved ones. This is especially important if you have any reservations about your ability to communicate with them. Make sure the space is comfortable and that you feel completely relaxed. You can even opt to lie down if that will help you relax and get in touch with the quiet space inside yourself.

Pick a Time and Date for your Conference Call

It’s important to set a time and date to do this call on. Of course, your loved ones are always there watching over you. But setting a clear time and date for yourself can help you prepare for the call. You don’t want to rush into it. So make sure you set a date and time that works well for you.

Send an Invite

Once you’ve decided on a time and date that works for you, let your loved ones know that you want to talk to them at that specific time by sending a message through your Guardian Angel. This will allow them to send you any information or experiences you might need before the call.

Once you’ve decided on a time and date that works for you, let your loved ones know that you want to talk to them at that specific time by sending a message through your Guardian Angel. This will allow them to send you any information or experiences you might need before the call.Our deceased loved ones often act as Guardian Angels in our lives and by letting them know you’re planning a call they can send you any messages about the types of topics they may want to discuss. They can even give you pointers on how to make the call run smoothly.

Be on Time

It’s vitally important that you show up on time for the call. So give yourself a good 20 minutes or more to calm down and get into the right frame of mind before the call starts. To do this you can practice some mindful breathing, meditation or even recite your favorite prayer until you feel yourself relaxing.

You want to be as present as possible so make sure you get rid of any distractions before you start. That includes having a snack, going to the loo, and switching off your phone.

Start your Conference Call with a Clear Intention

Once you’re relaxed think of the things that have happened in your life since you sent your loved ones the invitation. Are there certain things that stand out to you? Have any unexpected events occurred? Is there a common theme running through your life at the moment?

The more you can concentrate on the messages your loved ones have sent you, the clearer your conference call will end up being. If you’re still busy trying to make sense of things when the call starts, you will probably find a lot of garbled messages coming through.

Once you’ve set your intention clear your mind and say your loved one’s name clearly until you feel them answer. You’ll hear them clearly in your mind as soon as they join the call. If this takes a while, be patient with yourself and keep trusting the process. It can take a few practice runs before you get a really good connection - but being patient will definitely pay off. And the better you get the more people you can add to your call!

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