Archangel Bridgette - Time to reflect like Solar panels

Bridgette’s message is telling you that it’s time to stop and reflect. There are things lurking beneath the surface that need your attention. There’s something you’re missing. So it’s time to take a break and think about what it is that’s really going on. And nothing reflects with more potential power than a solar farm. So it’s time to put your solar panels into action and get to the bottom of this situation.

Bridgette’s message is telling you that it’s time to stop and reflect. There are things lurking beneath the surface that need your attention. There’s something you’re missing. So it’s time to take a break and think about what it is that’s really going on. And nothing reflects with more potential power than a solar farm. So it’s time to put your solar panels into action and get to the bottom of this situation.

Using solar energy to light up the dark

As far as renewable energies go solar energy is one of the most complex. Solar panels absorb some of the energy from the sun, but at the same time they also reflect everything they cannot use. And it’s that principle that’s going to help you make the most of Bridgette’s warning today.

The useful energies penetrate into the solar panel, igniting the reactions inside that create valuable, usable energy. The bright sunny surface is really just for show. In the same way you may be feeling like everything is bright and sunny on the outside, but what’s really important is what’s going on beneath the surface.

Reflection vs Reaction

In the world of solar panels you want to be focusing on the reaction instead of the reflection. Everything that’s causing you to react is what’s important right now. The reflections you’ve already gone through isn’t all that important. You’re going to get more from going deeper with regards to your actions than your thoughts at this point in time.

By focusing on your behavior you’ll be able to see energy patterns that are still largely subconscious to you. There is something that’s hidden, and the chances are that you’re hiding it from yourself. So if you really want to get to the bottom of the situation you’re going to have to stop thinking about everything you’ve thought about before - it’s time to look at what really matters, which is how you’re reacting to the situation. That’s where you’ll find the truth of what’s bothering you.

Turning Solar Energy to Light

Once you’ve pinpointed how your current situation is causing you to react it’s time to shed some light on the energy you’re releasing. Is it a good energy? Are you feeling empowered by it? If not, what can you do to turn it around?

The thing about solar panels is that they may reflect light in the beginning, but in the end you can still use the energy they create to light up the dark. But that’s a process you’re going to have to think about.

So while it isn’t a good idea to think about the situation too much, it is a good idea to think about how the situation is making you react. When you can figure out the causes behind your reactions you can either create more positive energy and more positive reactions, or you can start turning negative reactions into positive ones.

Light up the dark

When you light up the darker parts of your own behaviors surrounding a situation you’re also starting to take responsibility for the things that you’re doing. You’re not just focusing on your thoughts. You’re actively looking at what you could be doing to cause the situation in the first place.

When you shine the light on those areas you’re doing the real inner work that Bridgette is asking you to do today. And once you’ve done that, and taken a deeper look at your own role in the situation, you’ll find clearer solutions with more positivity, light and love for everyone involved.

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